I love deal-a-day sites. It gives me a quick break from the day to see some ridiculous deal on a ridiculous item that I don't need yet feel the need to buy.

Probably the biggest and well known deal-a-day site is woot.com. Although, to be fair, since they were bought out by Amazon, they're more of a one-hundred-deals-per-day-but-sometimes-a-week-or-until-sold-out site.

Either way, checking the daily deals is my thing and figured that since woot just released a beta API, I'd take a crack and creating a Windows Phone app to feed my daily deal-a-day fix satisfied. It's a no-frills, no-ads, give-it-to-you-straight kind of app.

Announcing: Wootinator v1.0.0.0

This version simply lists the daily deals from each of the main woot sub-sites (home, wine, kids, tools, etc), shows you details on the product, and gives you the option to buy.

It's not fancy by any means, but it works and works for what I want.

In the near future I plan to add support for push notifications for woot-offs and live tile support.

Give it a download, let me know what you think.